How You Can Incorporate Technology to Elevate Your Wedding-Day Experience

When it comes to planning a wedding, there are so many details to consider. From the decor and venue to the menu and music, every aspect of the big day requires thoughtful consideration. However, one detail that often gets overlooked is how guests will use their personal devices during the ceremony.

With technology being such a prominent part of our lives today, it’s important for couples to strategize on their experience for their wedding day.

In this blog post, we will explore several topics:
1. How “plugged” you want your ceremony to be – fully plugged, semi-plugged, and unplugged.
2. QR Codes – the most cost-effective way to share important information with your guests after they’ve RSVP’d officially, and have them engaged in lots of fun ways throughout
3. Silent Discos – why this alternative reception experience could be a great solution for your reception and afterparty experience
4. VR Experiences / Remote-In Conferencing – how you can ensure guests unable to attend IRL can still enjoy your wedding remotely
5. Content Creators – hiring someone talented in digital mediums to produce exciting art quickly for guests (temporary tattoo stations, portraiture, etc). Discovering reasons to hire a content creator, and getting them involved with your photo & video teams right away.

Overall, you’ll learn that while people may tap into technology on a daily basis mindlessly- technology for your wedding day can truly help elevate and evolve the guest experience, and help things run way more smoothly throughout the wedding weekend. Check it all out ✨🤘

Your Wedding Ceremony Experience: How “Plugged” Will This Be?

Fully Plugged 📲

In today’s digital age, it’s not uncommon for guests to be “fully plugged” during a wedding ceremony. This means that they are using their mobile phones and tablets at any time, recording the ceremony from their point-of-view (POV). For some couples, this may be a great option as it allows for real-time updates and sharing of special moments with loved ones who couldn’t attend the event. It also allows guests to capture candid shots from a perpsective in the aisle- which is so unique, and very special to the guests, as well!

However, there are some downsides to having guests fully plugged during the ceremony- for example, it can become distracting, not only for other guests but also for the couple getting married. Guests may be so focused on taking pictures or videos that they miss out on truly experiencing the moment. Additionally, having multiple devices out can also take away from the aesthetic of the ceremony, if yu are looking to have it feel timeless not only on the day itself, but afterwards when you look back on your professional photos.

It’s worth discussing with your officiant what parameters you create for this- asking that guests, should they decide to use their personal devices, turn their phones on silent mode, or airplane mode- to avoid guests receiving calls, or hearing notifications go off during the ceremony. The last thing we’d want to hear is your uncle’s ringtone blaring when you’re in the middle of reciting your personal vows!

It’s also worth considering how your photographer will navigate this situation in the moment, and also in post-production. Everyone photographer feels very differently about unplugged ceremonies, and it’s worth hearing their POV and how they may handle ceremony as it’s happening. The risks that photographers do their best to avoid is having anyone jump into the aisle during the first kiss- if that once-in-a-lifetime photo is blocked, due to Aunt Judy’s large tablet blocking the photographer’s lenses because they decided to put their arm out, let alone go into the aisle themselves-, that fleeting moment can’t be replicated without taking away from the moment.

More often than not, when a couple chooses to go fully plugged, or semi-plugged, photographers will not spend the extra time editing and photoshopping out smart devices from photos. This would be something you’d want to check on before deciding on going plugged in any capacity during your ceremony.


The semi-plugged option is becoming increasingly popular among couples planning their wedding ceremonies. This involves allowing guests to capture photos and videos at specific times during the ceremony while still being present in the right moment, sans distraction.

Typically, couples choose specific moments such as walking down the aisle or in the beginning, taking a fun photo opportunity for everyone to participate in!

Otherwise, couples may ask that a virtual conference is set up for relatives to remotely view the ceremony- after all, this is a really great solution for people who are sadly unable to attend the wedding day. Then, the couple may ask that everyone else remains present in attendance.

The benefits of this option include still being able to capture candid moments, but with less distraction for both the couple and other guests during the more formal portions of the ceremony- such as . It also allows couples to maintain control over how their ceremony is documented and shared on social media. However, some guests may feel a bit restricted by only being allowed to use their devices at specific times.

Unplugged 🤲

The last option for a wedding ceremony involves having an “unplugged” approach, where guests are asked or directed to turn off their personal devices and completely stow them away. This means no photos or videos during the ceremony whatsoever. For many couples, this is the preferred option as it allows for everyone to be fully present and engaged in the moment without any distractions.

Having an unplugged ceremony can also create a more intimate atmosphere as everyone is solely focused on the couple and not on capturing the perfect shot. Additionally, it ensures that all professional photos taken will be of high quality without any interference from guest devices. However, some guests may feel disappointed that they cannot take any pictures or videos during such a special event.

More Communication, the Better

Regardless of how “plugged,” you go- I find that sharing more communication with your wedding guests The better. Here are ways that you can notify guests about what they can expect during yuor ceremony:

  1. Your Wedding Website
  2. Your Welcome Sign at your wedding venue, upon guest arrival
  3. Your wedding-day itinerary- whether it is a physical paper pamphlet, digital QR Code at guest arrival, etc. QR Codes will be covered in another section of this blog post more in-depth- keep reading!
  4. Your Ceremony Welcome Sign
  5. Your officiant making an announcement, as guests enter. Mix in verbal and vocal communication, here! This is something that is worth partnering with your DJ on as well, if you are planning to have a DJ plan your musial experience throughout your ceremony, to make sure it’s all executed seamlessly between them!

Ultimately, each option has its pros and cons- the best fit for a couple will depend on personal preferences and priorities. It’s crucial for couples to have open communication about how they want their ceremony to be experienced by themselves and their guests. They should also consider taking into account the experience of their guests when making this decision.

The Final Verdict – What to Decide

Whether it’s allowing full device use throughout the entire event, restricting it to specific moments, or having an unplugged approach, there are pros and cons to each option. Ultimately, it’s all about “talking it out” with your partner to determine what works best for your wedding and the experience of your guests. After all, the ceremony is a significant moment that should be cherished and experienced fully by everyone involved.

QR Codes

For those who are unfamiliar, QR codes are a type of barcode that can be scanned by smartphones to quickly access information. These codes have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their convenience and efficiency- especially because lots of times, people do not save nor read the paperand even digital wedding invites!

This is a great solution for couples who are really looking to streamline communication, keep things organized, and direct guests easily to sources of truth the week of the wedding, and throughout the entire wedding weekend. Often times- to keep this cost-effective- you can create dedicated web pages for the following information below, through your already registered wedding website.

As you plan out the details of your wedding weekend, consider incorporating QR codes in various ways. Here are some suggestions on how you can utilize them to enhance your guests’ experience:

  1. Welcome Sign: Start off your wedding weekend by placing a welcome sign at the entrance of your venue with a large QR code displayed prominently. You can also have this repurposed from your Welcome Night or Rehearsal Dinner. This will be the first interaction that your guests have with the technology and will pique their curiosity about what else they can use it for throughout the weekend.
  2. Wedding Events Schedule: One of the main uses for QR codes is providing quick access to information. Create an event schedule for your wedding weekend and include QR codes next to each event listed. Guests can simply scan the code to instantly view details such as time, location, and any special instructions or dress code.
  3. Guest Transportation: This is incredibly valuable for either destination weddings, or weddings where you are providing transportation from ceremony to your reception. If you are providing transportation through a bus company, you can provide pickup and dropoff schedule, and the meetup locations and addresses in one place. Otherwise, if offering discount codes from rideshare companies like Lyft and Uber, sharing what options guests have, along with the discount codes will be incredibly helpful.
  4. Cocktail Hour Menu: During cocktail hour, guests are typically mingling and waiting for the reception to begin. Make this time more enjoyable by adding a unique touch with QR codes placed on tables or around the venue. These codes can lead guests to a digital menu featuring appetizers and signature drinks available during cocktail hour.
  5. Smartphone Content: QR codes can also serve as a fun way for guests to capture smartphone content throughout the day. For example, you can create custom Snapchat filters specific to your wedding and add them onto QR codes that guests can scan and use while taking pictures or videos. You could also create custom hashtags for social media platforms such as Instagram or Twitter and include them in QR codes so that all photos shared using the hashtag can be easily accessed in one place.
  6. Shared Album: In addition to creating a digital album for guests to share their photos, you can use QR codes to allow guests to contribute their pictures and videos onto one shared album. This would be perfect if you have guests who are not active on social media or prefer not to share on public platforms. You can also print out these photos after the wedding as a keepsake for yourselves and your guests.
  7. Photo Lounge/Photobooth Downloads: If you decide to include a photo lounge or photobooth at your wedding, consider adding QR codes so that guests can easily download their pictures onto their phones. This will save them from having to wait in line and also give them instant access to their photos.

Further Ideas for Implementing QR Codes

There are many other ways that you can incorporate QR codes into your wedding weekend, such as adding them onto seating cards for guests to find their assigned tables or using them as a way for guests to RSVP digitally instead of traditional paper invitations.

Not only do QR codes make things more convenient for your guests, but they also add a modern and tech-savvy touch to your wedding weekend. Your guests will appreciate the ease of accessing information and capturing memories, while you and your significant other can look back on these moments with joy.

In conclusion, incorporating QR codes into your wedding weekend is a simple yet effective way to enhance your guests’ experience and make it easier for them to navigate through various events and activities.

Silent Discos

If you are someone who is looking to keep the afterparty vibes going strong, and want to find a potential noise ordinance loophole? May I introduce to you- silent discos.

For those who may be unfamiliar with a silent disco, it is essentially a party where instead of traditional loudspeakers playing music for everyone to hear, guests wear wireless headphones to listen to the music. This allows individuals to control their own music experience by adjusting the volume or potentially switching between different channels. The concept originated at music festivals and club events to promote different artists at once- but has now made its way into weddings due to its numerous benefits.

Multiple Music Genre Options

Furthermore, silent discos are perfect for couples who want multiple DJs or different types of music at their reception or after-party. With traditional weddings, there is usually only one DJ or band playing throughout the night which may not cater to everyone’s musical tastes. However, with a silent disco, you can have multiple channels playing different genres simultaneously, giving guests more options to choose from. This not only keeps everyone entertained but also accommodates different age groups or cultural backgrounds present at the wedding.

It’s Giving… Unconventional 🤘

One of the main reasons why wedding couples should consider incorporating a silent disco into their big day is because it adds an element of fun and uniqueness to the celebration. Weddings can often follow a similar structure, with dinner, speeches, and dancing in between. However, a silent disco breaks away from this traditional format and offers an interactive experience for guests. It allows them to choose their own music and dance along to their favorite tunes without disturbing others or being limited by a set playlist.

Another benefit of a silent disco is the flexibility it offers in terms of venue options. Many couples nowadays are opting for non-traditional wedding venues such as private homes or smaller capacity venues. These venues may have noise restrictions or be in close proximity to residential areas, making it challenging to have traditional loud music. A silent disco eliminates this issue, allowing guests to party and dance without disturbing the neighbors or breaking any noise regulations. It also eliminates the need for expensive sound equipment, making it a more cost-effective option for those on a budget.

The Ultimate Outdoor Wedding/ Afterparty Solution

In addition to being versatile in terms of venue options, silent discos are also perfect for outdoor weddings. The use of wireless headphones means that guests can move freely around the venue without worrying about being out of range from the speakers. This is especially beneficial for outdoor weddings where traditional sound systems may not reach all areas comfortably. It also allows guests to take breaks from dancing and still enjoy the music while socializing with others.

Furthermore, silent discos are an ideal choice for wedding couples who want to extend their celebrations into the night without disturbing other guests or violating any noise curfews at their venue. After-parties can often continue until late into the night, but with traditional music, there is always a risk of complaints from neighbors or the venue staff. With a silent disco, this is not an issue as guests can continue dancing and partying without causing any disturbance.

Creating Intimacy & Individualism, Simultaneously

Additionally, incorporating a silent disco into a wedding day can add a sense of intimacy and closeness among guests compared to traditional loud music events. With headphones on, individuals feel more connected to one another while still having their own unique experience with the music they are listening to. This creates an atmosphere of unity and camaraderie among guests that may not be achieved with conventional loudspeakers.

Allowing Other guests to Mingle & Socialize at a Comfortable Volume

Another factor that makes silent discos appealing is their ability to cater to different preferences and needs of guests. While some individuals may prefer dancing and partying, others may want to have conversations or catch up with friends and family during the event. With a silent disco, guests can easily switch between dancing and socializing without feeling overwhelmed or excluded from the party.

Allowing the Couple to Fully Be Present in the Moment

Finally, incorporating a silent disco into a wedding day is not only beneficial for guests but also for the couple themselves. Weddings can be stressful and overwhelming for the bride and groom, but with a silent disco, they can take breaks from the traditional reception activities to enjoy each other’s company on the dance floor without being bombarded by loud music or interruptions.

VR Experiences / Video Conferencing

There are numerous benefits to having virtual experiences that allow people to be virtual wedding guests. One of the most significant advantages is that it provides a solution for guests who are unable to attend the wedding in person. This can include individuals who live far away, have physical limitations, or cannot take time off work to travel for the wedding.

These also offer a unique opportunity for guests to still feel connected and involved in the wedding ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception despite not physically being there. By using VR headsets, guests can have a fully immersive experience where they can see and hear everything happening at the event as if they were actually there. This allows them to feel like they are part of the celebration and share in the joy of the newlyweds.

Saving $$$

Additionally, having virtual wedding guests can help save on costs for both the couple and their guests. Traveling to attend a wedding can be expensive, and some guests may not have the means to do so. By offering a virtual option, these individuals can still participate without incurring any additional expenses.

Rainy Day Benefits

Virtual experiences also provide flexibility for both the couple and their guests. For example, if there is inclement weather on the day of the wedding or unexpected circumstances arise, virtual guests will not be affected. They can still enjoy all aspects of the wedding from the comfort of their own home.

Continue to Be Inclusive, After You’ve Hit Venue Capacity

Moreover, virtual experiences allow for an unlimited number of guests to attend virtually. This means that more friends and family members can be included in this special day without worrying about venue capacity limitations or having to cut down on guest lists due to budget constraints.

Hiring a Content Creator

A wedding day is one of the most important and cherished moments in a couple’s life. It is a day that is filled with love, laughter, and countless memories. With so much happening on this special day, it can be overwhelming for the couple to capture every moment themselves. This is where a dedicated content creator comes in.

Collaborating Directly with Photo & Video Teams

Firstly, a dedicated content creator can work alongside professional photographers and videographers to ensure that every moment of the wedding is captured beautifully. While photographers and videographers focus on traditional shots and footage, a content creator can capture behind-the-scenes moments, candid interactions between guests, and other special moments that may go unnoticed in a very specific format, different from the others.

Semi-Instant, or 24-72 Hour Turnaround Smart Phone Content

Secondly, hiring a content creator allows the couple to have instant content following the wedding weekend. With social media becoming increasingly popular, couples often want to share their special day with their friends and family online. A content creator can provide timely photos and videos for the couple to share on their social media platforms.

Offering Live-feeling POV

Thirdly, many couples want to incorporate live-feeling perspectives into their wedding day through smart phones. With current trends like Instagram reels and TikTok videos, having a dedicated content creator who knows how to capture these moments can add an extra layer of fun to the wedding day.

Capturing Trends, Lighthearted Content

Lastly, hiring a content creator helps the couple decide which parts of their wedding day they want captured via smart phone versus another medium. For example, they may want to prioritize capturing fun trends with bridesmaids or live reactions during first looks on social media platforms while leaving traditional shots to professional photographers.

Allowing Others to Be Present with You

Overall, hiring a dedicated content creator can alleviate stress for the couple on their wedding day by ensuring that every important moment is captured, and allowing others, like bridesmaids, groomsmen, family and VIP wedding guests to be more present in the moment as well, versus feeling obligated to capture the content throughout the day. Hiring a content creator keeps the day from feeling like a total production for the wedding party to be recording on their phones-o instead, you have a dedicated professional capturing these fun perspectives for you.


There are ways to remain absolutely present in the moment, and have technology offer solutions for things that will enhance and elevate the guest experience. It can start with making the day more logistically seamless and organized, but go beyond that to offer true alternatives and solutions for things you absolutely would not expect, otherwise!

October 11, 2024

Julianne Shearer



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